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Seeing beyond

The clarity and confidence you need through world-class research, analytics & strategic consulting.

Award Winning Research

About Us

Opinions is a multi-award-winning insight and business advisory practice that is built on passion and a commitment to strategic thinking. We are proud to provide solutions to many leading brands and organisations in Ireland and globally from our base in Dublin. We are committed to delivering high quality insight and planning to provide the confidence and clarity that our partners need to make better business decisions. The expert team at Opinions offer full-service solutions; qualitative, quantitative and advisory, using best practice methods with a powerful mix of analytical rigour and creativity. Please get in touch with one of our experts if you would like to find out more about how we can help you and your business.

What We Do

Great Survey Research

We design and execute survey research solutions to address your research needs across the world. Our team have won many awards for excellence in survey research and analytics.

Qualitative Depth

Groups and Interviews, online or offline we can offer the best approach to deliver against your needs with a balance of rigour and creativity. We can also build online communities for longitudinal engagement.


The incorporation of clients' and third party data in order to triangulate our findings is key to how we work. We adopt a planning approach to deliver considered and informed perspectives every time.

Online Omnibus Solutions

We run our own fortnightly online omnibus in Ireland and we also offer omnibus solutions in the US and UK monthly.


With some of the industry's most recognised and experienced analysts we pride ourselves in remaining at the cutting edge of research and data analytics.


Our senior team are accomplished strategic consultants and have developed an extensive workshopping and strategic planning capability and toolkit that we can bring to our projects.

Our Solutions

These are just some of the areas that we can help you with using our own suite of tried and tested products and tools. You can rest assured that the solutions will be of the highest standard. We adhere to both MRS and ESOMAR standards and we are a Board Member of AIMRO; Ireland's research standards authority.

At Opinions we also have our own online survey panel in Ireland with over 5,000 high quality, active members.

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Some Of The Clients We Work With